Summer Greenlees will be presenting “Bringing Yoga to Life: The Everyday Practice of Enlightened Living” by Donna Farhi for discussion at our Fall book club meeting! Bring a friend, everyone is welcome! While reading the book is encouraged, it’s not necessary. Let’s come together and learn.
Saturday, October 19
in the Mind Body Room at Castle Hill Fitness 360
with Summer Greenlees
Free to all. Pre-registration at the link is appreciated.
Internationally renowned and bestselling author Donna Farhi moves yoga practice beyond the mat into our everyday lives, restoring the tradition’s intended function as a complete, practical philosophy for daily living.
Expanding upon the teachings of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the core text of the yoga tradition, Donna Farhi describes yoga’s transforming power as a complete life practice, far beyond its common reduction to mere exercise routine or stress management. This is the philosophy of yoga as a path to a deeper awareness of self. Drawing upon her years of teaching with students, Farhi guides readers through all the pitfalls and promises of navigating a spiritual practice.
“The simple yet powerful message of her book: ‘What yoga [promises]…is that through sincere, skillful, and consistent practice, anyone can become peaceful, happy, and free.’ This work is a thorough, highly readable, very rewarding discussion of how to do exactly that.” – The Yoga Journal Book Review