Huston-Tillotson University is hosting the 5th annual Building Green Justice Forum on Tuesday, October 16th. This year’s theme is “Power, Discourse, and Community.” The ways that we think and talk about environment, justice, and community affect how we create and access knowledge and power. Join us as we apply environmental justice principles to challenge conventional environmental movement approaches to knowledge and power across economic, literary, political, religious and scientific/technological frameworks. This year, we are excited to share that workshops, speaker sessions, and participant feedback will be used to generate instructional tools for HT’s new Environmental Justice academic program. You, our BGJ community, will become part of the EJ curriculum to train our next environmental justice leaders at HT!
More details on featured speakers and conference schedule to come. You can RSVP here.
All events will take place on the Huston-Tillotson University campus, 900 Chicon St., Austin, TX 78702.