Training for Businesses with Food Permits
Austin Resource Recovery invites food permitted businesses and their employees to learn about organics diversion requirements in Austin. Topics will include implementing diversion programs to reduce wasted food and complying with the Universal Recycling Ordinance (URO).
Austin Resource Recovery staff will give a brief presentation about the organics component of the URO, best practices, and the online reporting software. Staff will be available to answer questions about organics diversion.
About the URO Organics Diversion Requirements
As of Oct. 1, 2017, Austin’s URO requires food permitted businesses larger than 5,000 square feet to establish programs to divert organic material (e.g. wasted food, yard trimmings) from landfills, also known as Organics Diversion. The intent of the ordinance is to significantly reduce the amount of organic material sent to the landfill. Minimum requirements include:
The online Organics Diversion Plan or ODP will be explained in detail.
We look forward to seeing you there!