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Austin Zero Waste Alliance (AZWA) Monthly Meeting (Special Guest Speakers, Professor Dumpster and Green is the New Black student group)

January 23 @ 12:55 am

Please join the Austin Zero Waste Alliance (AZWA) for its monthly meeting with special guest speakers, "Professor Dumpster" of the Dumpster Project and Green is the New Black!

For those who may not know, Professor Dumpster is Dr. Jeff Wilson, a Dean at Huston-Tillotson University (HTU), who has garnered international media attention for his commitment to live in a 36 sq. ft. dumpster for a whole year. The project is aimed at demonstrating sustainable living practices, including Zero Waste living.

Green is the New Black is the new environmental student group on the HTU campus and has taken the lead in Zero Waste programs, including a campus garden growing staples of traditional African-American diets fueled by their campus compost program.

We are thrilled to be joining these community leaders and visionaries for our monthly AZWA meeting!

If you haven’t made an AZWA meeting before, or if you haven’t been in a while, this is the one to come to! Be sure to bring friends! We look forward to seeing everyone there!

WHO: Austin Zero Waste Alliance, Green is the New Black and Professor Dumpster

WHAT: AZWA’s monthly meeting

WHEN: September 24, 7 PM

WHERE: Huston-Tillotson University, 900 Chicon Street (in the library’s media room, park in the lot at E. 8th and Chalmers)

Here’s a campus map where you can see the parking and other info on the Dumpster Project: http://goo.gl/maps/XoQBG. The media room is the blue pin on the map.

AZWA is also on Twitter, so please follow us!