If you live in the City of Austin, you’re not going to see any city council or mayoral races on your ballot this fall… but this election is still super important!
Instead of candidates, you’re going to see propositions on your ballot… and a lot of them. There are 14 Texas constitutional propositions on the ballot this year, as well as two Travis County propositions – Props A & B.
Feeling a little overwhelmed? Don’t worry! Below, you’ll find all of our election guides, which make learning about local elections easy!
Learn about Travis County Prop A, which, if passed, will fund $233 million in transportation projects.
Learn about Travis County Prop B, which, if passed, will fund $276 million in parks projects.
Learn more about the Gilleland Creek Greenway, one of the projects that will be funded if Travis County Prop B passes.
Learn more about the Onion Creek Greenway, one of the projects that will be funded if Travis County Prop B passes.
Want a more in-depth overview of Props A & B? Listen to our podcast episode, featuring Jennifer Bristol, who served on the Citizens Bond Advisory Committee.
Learn about the 14 state propositions that every registered voter in Texas will get to vote on this year.
Get the basics of what will be on your ballot this fall with this quick and fun video.
In this podcast episode, we dive deeper into Prop 4 (property taxes), Prop 6 (water), Prop 8 (broadband internet).
If passed, Prop 14 (which is a state proposition) will create a $1 billion fund for parks across Texas. We interviewed Luke Metzger (from Environment Texas) to learn all about it.
Learn about Travis County Prop A, which, if passed, will fund $233 million in transportation projects.
Learn about Travis County Prop B, which, if passed, will fund $276 million in parks projects.
Learn more about the Gilleland Creek Greenway, one of the projects that will be funded if Travis County Prop B passes.
Learn more about the Onion Creek Greenway, one of the projects that will be funded if Travis County Prop B passes.
Want a more in-depth overview of Props A & B? Listen to our podcast episode, featuring Jennifer Bristol, who served on the Citizens Bond Advisory Committee.
Learn about the 14 state propositions that every registered voter in Texas will get to vote on this year.
Get the basics of what will be on your ballot this fall with this quick and fun video.
In this podcast episode, we dive deeper into Prop 4 (property taxes), Prop 6 (water), Prop 8 (broadband internet).
If passed, Prop 14 (which is a state proposition) will create a $1 billion fund for parks across Texas. We interviewed Luke Metzger (from Environment Texas) to learn all about it.