CodeNEXT Sound Check: Lessons Learned

CodeNEXT Sound Check: Lessons Learned

CodeNEXT Sound Check Workshop Report

What will Austin’s future look like? The city’s effort to rewrite its land development code, dubbed CodeNEXT, could end up dramatically reshaping Austin. In November, the city held a weeklong CodeNEXT Sound Check event to virtually test different code standards for the public to look at and then weigh in on. The results of that process are now published in the “Sound Check Workshop Report.” 

The report points to the many lessons that city staff learned while soliciting feedback from the public on how they want the future of Austin to look. The main concerns of Austinites, according to the report, are affordability and traffic, and they want a land development code that helps to solve both of these problems. In trying to address these issues, the Sound Check examined how rules regulating Austin’s built and natural environment impact household affordability and how residents get around, whether by car, public transit, bike, or foot. These insights will be used by city staff as the CodeNEXT process continues. More info>>

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