Celebrate Reuse Weekend With Us!

Celebrate Reuse Weekend With Us!

Love a great deal? And the planet? Join us for Austin Reuse Weekend from Friday, October 19th through Sunday, October 21st.


Here’s how it works:


1. Clear out the clutter by donating your old clothes, household items, and even bikes to any of the participating businesses or organizations


2. Receive an “I Love Reuse” sticker


3. That sticker can be as a used a coupon for 20 percent off when you shop at most participating locations


With Austin Reuse Weekend, you’ll be able to get rid of the things you don’t use anymore and earn a coupon to shop for things that are new-to-you. Now that’s what we call a win, win, win!!


Why is reuse so important?


Austin residents are estimated to dispose of $11 million in reusable items annually. A 2015 study showed that an estimated 6.6 million pounds of textiles are going to the landfill each year from Austin Resource Recovery’s curbside customers. That’s 18,000 pounds of clothes going in the trash every day rather than being reused or recycled!


Reuse Weekend


For a full list of participating locations (and the deals they’re offering, check out the image flyer above or look through the list below:


Want to learn more about how you can support the local reuse economy year-round? Check out the Austin Reuse Directory at AustinReuseDirectory.com .

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