For the first time in years, the lakes that provide Austin with its water supply are pretty much full. That's good news, but as our water utility warns, it's not the time to just sit back and relax. “One of the classic kind of patterns that...

An effort to fund additional bike lanes in Austin hit its first major roadblock earlier this month. Austin's Bond Oversight Commission voted against sending a recommendation to City Council to consider placing a bike bond on the November ballot. The failed recommendation called for the funding of 220 miles...

In case you missed it - Prop 1 was defeated on earlier this month by 12 points, with 56 percent of voters rejecting the position taken by Uber and Lyft. Voter turnout was 17 percent. As a reminder, the rejection of Prop 1 means that an ordinance passed...

Looking for a way to reduce the amount of waste you send to the landfill and make your garden flourish, all at the same time? Be sure to check out one of Austin Resource Recovery's free home composting classes. Composting is nature’s way of recycling. Rather than...

Eight million dollars. That's how much Uber and Lyft have spent this year campaigning in Austin. The latest round of finance reports reveal that the two companies contributed $5 million in the last month alone to Ridesharing Works for Austin, the political action committee that...

Remember last month when President Obama came to town? The city feared his visit would bring along a traffic nightmare. The opposite happened. Austinites listened to the Mayor's recommendations to work from home and the city saw astonishing reductions in traffic. Travel times on that day...

The Uber/Lyft debate continued last week when Mayor Adler officially came out against Prop 1. In a written statement, Adler said that while he doesn't think that either Prop 1 choice is best for Austin, he will be voting against Prop 1 because, "such a vote...

As part of his continued focus on transportation, Mayor Adler recently finished an innovation exchange trip to Europe with the US Secretary of Transportation as part of the Smart City Challenge. (As a reminder, Austin is one of seven finalist for the challenge. If we win, Austin will...

Interested in taking a deeper dive into the city's transportation system? The Austin Transportation Department released its 2015 Annual Report last week, providing an overview of everything the department did in the past year. Highlights from the 2015 report include: 28 miles of new bike lanes installed 4...