Thinking of ways to reduce your energy usage? One simple step that you can take is to install a smart thermostat in your home. These thermostats are connected to the internet, can be adjusted remotely, and usually "learn" your living habits in order to run...

Calling all peeps currently raising chickens! The Urban Poultry Association of Texas will be conducting a pilot study this November demonstrating how chickens divert materials from the landfill. Here are the details: You must be currently raising chickens to participate (in Austin or elsewhere). The study...

Austin's innovative SXSW spirit went all the way to the White House last week for SXSLawn, an event inspired by our very own famous festival. Earlier this year, President Obama spoke at SXSW here in Austin and was so inspired by what he saw that he...

Sponsored Post from Austin Habitat for Humanity - We all know that Austin is becoming a less and less affordable place to live. One local organization that is working hard to change that is Habitat for Humanity. In 2014 alone, they built 30 homes and served...

Have you been near the old Seaholm Power Plant lately? It's in the area downtown (south of 5th street between Lamar Boulevard and Nueces Street) that is being completely redeveloped. The power plant was decommissioned many years ago, and has since been transformed into an office...

Austin is leading the way in advancing solar energy in the US. This week, the city was recognized by the US Department of Energy for its work in improving access to solar energy. Together, Austin City Council, local advocates, and Austin Energy have done this by...

Election season continues, and as promised, here at the Austin EcoNetwork, we are keeping things local. Over the next several weeks we'll be sharing all the info you need to make an educated vote in this year's local election. Because the truth is, local elections matter...

Wish Austin had a safer bike network? There's an app for that. The Ride Report app has recently been launched in Austin and its goal is to collect crowd-sourced data about cycling use and street safety. Here's how it works - Bicycle riders can download the app, which then passively...

Are you an entrepreneur looking to make a social impact? Here's a great opportunity for you. Participate in the [Re]Verse Pitch Competition and help solve both an economic and environmental challenge. Here's how it works - Local companies and institutions will pitch their surplus and byproduct materials and you, the entrepreneur,...

Sponsored Post - with the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore There are lots of reasons to love the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Not only are they our newest AEN Partner, but they also work hard everyday to reduce waste in Austin, all while creating affordable home ownership opportunities in...