Sponsored Post - from CleanTX   Spend an evening with some fellow clean tech nerds at CleanTX's "Member Night" party on Tuesday, March 20th from 6pm to 10pm at Antone's Nightclub.   The event is a great opportunity to relax, have a drink, hear some great music, and network with people in the Texas clean tech industry....

Sponsored Post - from Austin Energy Green Building   It's back! The ever-popular Green By Design series returns to Austin on February 22nd and tickets are now available.   Hosted by Austin Energy Green Building, this three-week series teaches Austinites how to build, remodel, or buy green homes that improve energy and water efficiency, increase comfort,...

Sponsored Post - from Austin Energy Green Building   Been working hard to make your house the most beautiful, eco-friendly home in Austin? Now's your chance to show it off.   Austin Energy Green Building and the Texas Solar Energy Society are currently accepting applications for the 2018 Cool House Tour. Each year, the Cool...

Austin is a pretty climate conscious city. That's why for years, our city's electric utility, Austin Energy, has been providing discounts and rebates to homeowners who install solar panels on their roofs. These programs have not only supported our city's greenhouse gas emission goals, but...

Austin is not the only city making the push for solar energy. Earlier this month, a group of 70 US mayors signed a letter written by the nonprofit organization Environment America, pledging their support for solar energy and its advancement in local communities across the country.   "We, the undersigned U.S. Mayors and...

Less money. More solar.   That's the big takeaway from a new solar contract that Austin City Council approved earlier this month. Now that they have Council's approval, our city's electric utility (Austin Energy) will purchase all of the output from a new 150 MW solar plant being built in west...

There is no one quite like Shudde Fath. At 101 years old, she is one of this city's most respected environmental leaders. After 40 years of volunteer service on the city's Electric Utility Commission, Shudde retired earlier this week, receiving a Distinguished Service Award from...

"We no longer want any of our students to think that sustainability is a topic that they can choose to study but rather that it is the very foundation upon which architecture must build." These were the words of Michelle Addington, the newly appointed dean of...

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Saturday is the big day. The new $125 million Austin Central Library opens to the public Saturday, October 28th with a whole day of live music and activities. The day will begin at 10am just outside of the library and there will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at 11am. The library will actually open...