In this episode of The Austin Common Radio Hour, host Amy Stansbury goes over the basics of Prop A, which, if approved by voters in November, could bring a $7.1 billion transit system to Austin. We also take a deep dive into Austin’s transportation history (including 2 failed transit elections & century-old streetcars) & explore how equity is addressed in Prop A. 


Guests include :

  • Yasmine Smith – Vice President of PUMA (People United For Mobility Action)

  • Jackie Nirenberg – Manager of Community Involvement with Capital Metro

  • Rusty Heckaman – curator of the Austin History Center’s “Off The Rails” exhibit, which focused on the history of streetcars in Austin

  • Jeffrey Wood – host of the Talking Headways Podcast


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Inside the Episode...

Episode 2 - Topics
Episode 2 - Quote
Episode 2 - Quote
Episode 2 - Quote

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