9 Ways To Be More Civically Engaged In 2022

9 Ways To Be More Civically Engaged In 2022

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We Actually Explain The News


We've put together a list of 9 simple ways you can get more involved in local government in Austin in 2022.

Action Items

Action Box

Get more involved in your local community in 2022 by pledging to do 1 (or all 9) of the things on this list!

Feeling frustrated about the state of the world? Want to do something in 2022 to make a real difference? Start in your own backyard with this list of 9 ways get civically engaged… right here in Austin. 


PS – Passionate about making this your New Year’s resolution for 2022? We’re hosting a virtual event on “9 Ways To Be More Civically Engaged In 2022” on January 31st at 5:30pm for Common Club members only. Join The Common Club today to get the link to RSVP. We’ll be going into deeper detail about all of the topics mentioned below, answering any of your questions, and connecting you with fellow Common Club members to be your civic accountability buddies for 2022. 

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You can figure out which Council district you live in here. (Just scroll down to the “Find a Council District by address” tool. You can check out The Austin Common’s list of all our Council member’s social media accounts here

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You can find all of the city’s current open surveys on the SpeakUp Austin website, here

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Not sure what’s going on with the election? Don’t worry. Keep an eye on The Austin Common’s Elections 101 page. We’ll be updating it with everything you need to know as we get closer to the start of early voting. 

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Click to visit each of these news websites – KUT, Austin American-Statesman, Austin Monitor, Community Impact, The Austin Chronicle

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