67% of Republicans Oppose Fossil Fuel Subsidies

A recent, partnered study from Yale and George Mason Universities revealed, 

  • No, Fossil Fuel Subsidies: "69 percent of Americans oppose federal subsidies to the fossil fuel industry, including 67 percent of registered Republicans, 80 percent of Independents, and 68 percent of Democrats."

On a related note, a recent Bloomberg article states that fossil fuels received about 6x more subsidies than renewables, globally, this year and are "creating market distortions that encourage wasteful consumption." This all sounds encouraging. Other highlighted factoids from the Yale/George Mason study: 

  • Yes, Environmental Regulation: "85 percent of Americans (including 76% of registered Republicans, 83% of Independents, and 90% of Democrats) say that protecting the environment either improves economic growth and provides new jobs (54%), or has no effect (31%). Only 15 percent say environmental protection reduces economic growth and costs jobs."
  • Yes, Carbon Tax: "60 percent of Americans support a $10 per ton carbon tax if the revenue were used to reduce federal income taxes, even when told this would “slightly increase the cost of many things you buy, including food, clothing, and electricity.” This policy is supported by 48 percent of registered Republicans, 50 percent of Independents, and 74 percent of Democrats."
  • Yes, Clean Energy: "90 percent of Americans say developing sources of clean energy should be a very high (30%), high (35%), or medium (25%) priority for the president and Congress, including 82 percent of registered Republicans, 91 percent of Independents, and 97 percent of Democrats."


To learn more about such things, check out my blog: http://chrissearles.blogspot.com/–thanks.

Graph by Environmental Law Institute.


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