Sponsored Post - from Earth Day ATX Earth Day ATX will take place on Saturday, April 22, from noon to 7 pm at Huston-Tillotson University. H-T is Austin’s oldest institution of higher education and is positioning itself as the most environmentally-conscious Historically Black College and University...

Sponsored Post - from the City of Austin Office of Sustainability Austin was one of 195 cities worldwide that signed the Paris Agreement at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, agreeing to lower greenhouse gas emissions to alleviate the worst impacts of climate change. But...

Sponsored Post - at Castle Hill Fitness Here at Castle Hill Fitness, we believe that taking care of our environment is taking care of our clients and community. As we continue to make changes and improve our facilities, we are starting to see the results of...

Looking for better access to healthy food? Even though Austin is known as being a "foodie" city, many neighborhoods have little or no access to fresh, healthy food. In order to gain a deeper understand of the extent of the problem, the city is currently in...