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Join the Dougherty Arts Center and share your knowledge and curiosity about sustainable art practices and how artists can contribute to a healthier planet.
“This is the most expensive county in the state of Texas to get child care… and it’s prohibitive for a lot of people who have to make that decision. They can’t go to work because they can’t afford to pay that child care, so they just stay home.”
– said County Judge Andy Brown, explaining why he thinks Prop A is important. Learn more about Prop A with our latest election guide.
This fall, voters in Travis County will vote on Prop A. Here’s what you need to know…
Prop A is related to increasing affordable, high quality, child care access in the county.
If Prop A passes, it will create 1,900 new subsidized child care slots for infants and toddlers.
Prop A is a tax rate election. If it passes, the average homeowner will pay $125 more in property taxes.