Your Green Week Ahead: Funky Chicken Tour & a Bird Walk

Your Green Week Ahead: Funky Chicken Tour & a Bird Walk

Golden-cheeked Warbler

[Bird Walk] Saturday, March 26th at 8am Westcave Outdoor Discovery Center is hosting a “Warbler Walk” at its preserve on Hamilton Pool Road, just outside Austin. Attendees will learn how to identify the rare Golden-cheeked Warbler, as well as discover why it’s in trouble and what can be done to help. More info>>

[Chicken Tour] Saturday, March 26th from 10am to 4pm the Urban Poultry Association of Texas is hosting the Eighth Annual Funky Chicken Coop Tour. The goal of the tour is to encourage city residents to raise poultry at home by demonstrating the many ways that chicken (and other poultry) housing can be incorporated into urban areas without violating city ordinances or creating a nuisance. The tour takes place throughout Austin and is self-guided. Maps are available online. More info>>

[Creek Talk] Saturday, March 26th from 10am to 11:30am the City of Austin Watershed Protection Department and the Waller Creek Conservancy are cohosting “Rediscover Waller” at the Pedestrian Bridge over Waller Creek. The event will teach the public about the wildlife and plants of Waller Creek, as well as major improvement projects planned for the creek. This event will feature hands-on activities that illustrate how healthy (or not) the creek is today, as well as give attendees insight into how the Waller Creek Project will enhance the area’s habitat over time. More info>>

Waller Creek

[Gardening Class] Saturday, March 26th at noon Brite Ideas is hosting a free “Plant Tissue Culture, Polyloidy, Seedless, Feminized Seeds, Gender and Breeding” class at its store on South Congress Avenue. Students will learn how plant technology can enhance plant traits and serve as useful tools to the home-grower or educator.More info>>

Tissue Culture

[Tree Mapping]Saturday, March 26th from 3pm to5pm TreeFolks and the Imagine Austin Meetup group are cohosting a tree mapping event at Nicholas Dawson Park. Volunteers are needed to help map trees and share their stories on TreeFolks’ Austin Tree Map. By contributing this knowledge, you can help the city understand and promote the value of Austin’s trees during a period of rapid development in Austin. More info>>

Tree Mapping

[Composting Class] Tuesday, March 29th from 6pm to 8pm the Sustainable Food Center is hosting a “Home Composting Class”at its headquarters on East 17th Street. Students will learn how to make a home composting system of their very own, as well as how to tend the pile. Worm composting will also be demonstrated. Advance registration is requested. More info>>

[Zero Waste Meeting] Tuesday, March 29th from 7pm to 8:30pm the Austin Zero Waste Alliance is hosting its monthly meeting at Recycled Reads on Burnet Road. The guest speaker for the evening will be Brandi Clark Burton, senior policy advisor to Mayor Steve Adler and founder of the Austin EcoNetwork. She’ll be talking about the city’s own zero waste efforts, as well as how Austinites can get more involved. More info>>

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