Sponsored Post – from Austin Resource Recovery
Are you disappointed with your apartment’s recycling services? Are there not enough bins/dumpsters? Is recycling not even being offered to you?
Here’s your opportunity to do something about it. The City of Austin has a rule (called the Universal Recycling Ordinance), which requires all condos and apartments with five or more units to provide convenient access to recycling to all tenants. By October of this year, the rule will apply to all condos and apartments (including those with fewer than five units). Even though the rule is in place, it can be hard for the City of Austin to make sure each and every apartment complex in the city is following the rules. That’s where you come in.
The city department in charge of recycling services, Austin Resource Recovery, has created an online survey for you to share information about problems with the recycling at your apartment complex or condo. Once they receive your input, they will try and work with building managers to improve recycling access for everyone. You can take the survey here>>