What Is Austin’s Transportation Plan?

What Is Austin’s Transportation Plan?

Austin Skyline Capitol

We all know that transportation is a big problem in this city. The traffic is growing and alternative transportation options remain slim. So, what is our path forward? That’s where the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan comes in.

The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan is currently in the very early stages of development. It’s being designed to replace the city’s existing transportation plan, which was adopted in 1995 and needs to be updated to reflect a more modern vision of the city’s future, as well as our new Imagine Austin plan.

Austin Strategic Mobility Plan

What’s Imagine Austin again?
For those who don’t know, Imagine Austin is our city’s comprehensive plan. Developed with the help of extensive community outreach, Imagine Austin lays out high level goals and an overall vision for how the city should look in the future. Some of the priorities laid out in Imagine Austin include a healthy environment, household affordability, and the creation of a more compact and connected city.

So what’s next for the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan?
The new mobility plan is being designed to create a series of actionable “goals and objectives to guide Austin’s near- and long-term transportation investments.” Essentially, it will be taking Imagine Austin’s vision and turning it into action. The plan will also integrate and combine many of the city’s existing transportation-related plans, including the Bicycle Master Plan and the Sidewalk Master Plan.

This spring will mark the official kickoff (and beginning of the public engagement process) for the development of the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan. In the meantime, a citizen advisory committee (dubbed the Multimodal Community Advisory Committee) has been assembled to help review plans and provide guidance as the plan develops. More info>>

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