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Imagine Austin Speaker Series: The City That Lost A Million Pounds

Austin City Hall 301 W. 2nd St. , Austin, TX, United States

From the City of Austin's Imagine Austin Speaker Series - Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett implemented a series of changes in Oklahoma City, installing new sidewalks, parks, and other placemaking features and amenities to get his community moving.  Additionally, he encouraged people to pledge to...

“40 Million IQ Points: The neurological cost of smokestack and tailpipe pollution.”

Austin City Hall 301 W. 2nd St. , Austin, TX, United States

Open Spaces Committee of the Austin City Council, first floor room TBA, will hear these remarks from Dr. Jules R. Elkins PhD - $1,000,000,000,000. That is the current annual cost of IQ loss due to lead exposure in developing nations. Mercury costs the U.S. $1.3 billion annually...