Universal Recycling Ordinance Requires Austin Property Owners to Recycle



AUSTIN, TEXAS – Starting Oct. 1, 2012, property owners of large multifamily apartment complexes and commercial office buildings are required to ensure recycling is available for customers, tenants and employees. This ordinance is part of an ongoing effort to increase the life of local landfills, reduce harmful environmental impacts, boost the local economy and make progress toward our Zero Waste goal to divert 90 percent of materials from landfills by 2040

In the first year, the ordinance will affect multifamily apartments with more than 75 dwelling units and commercial office buildings larger than 100,000 square feet. The ordinance will be phased in over the next four years, requiring more than 4,500 properties to recycle by October 2015. (See table)

Effective Date: Oct. 1

Affected Properties


Commercial Offices


> 75 dwelling units

> 100,000 sq. feet


> 50  dwelling units

> 75,000 sq. feet


> 25  dwelling units

> 50,000 sq. feet



> 25,000 sq. feet


“The City of Austin collects recyclables primarily from residential units,” says Austin Resource Recovery Director, Bob Gedert. “In order to get to Zero Waste, we need to work with commercial property owners to encourage recycling more and wasting less.”

 Affected properties will be required to have convenient access to recycling, and must offer recycling of the following five materials at a minimum:

  • Mixed paper
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Glass bottles and jars
  • #1 (PETE) and #2 (HDPE) plastic containers
  • Aluminum cans. 

To help businesses maximize diversion, and become complaint with the ordinance, Austin Resource Recovery staff provides free consulting for property owners, including onsite technical assessments and training.

“The City of Austin is dedicated to helping property owners implement successful recycling programs, and our professional staff is available to offer guidance and answer questions,” Austin Resource Recovery Program Manager Aiden Cohen said. “During this first year, we’re focusing on educating the community and familiarizing affected businesses with ordinance requirements.”

In addition to recycling provisions, property owners will also be asked to provide the following:

  • Sufficient recycling capacity (dependent upon property type)
  • Informational signage in English and Spanish
  • Annual education for tenants and employees
  • Completion of an annual Recycling Plan form (available in coming months)

The City is finalizing rules for the ordinance that will be released in coming months. Learn more about the Universal Recycling Ordinance at austintexas.gov/commercialrecycling. Any questions may be directed to commercialrecycling@austintexas.gov



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