Uber/Lyft Issue Heads to an Election

Uber/Lyft Issue Heads to an Election

Austin Skyline Capitol

In case you missed it, the Uber/Lyft issue is officially headed to an election on May 7th. Despite some last minute maneuvering by Mayor Steve Adler to pass a compromise agreement that would make fingerprint-based background checks voluntary and avoid an election, in the end, this “memorandum of understanding” was not passed.

Uber Lyft Logos

That means that on May 7th Austinites will be asked to go to the polls to decided whether or not to approve a new ordinance put forth by the political action committee Ridesharing Works for Austin. This ordinance essentially rolls back many of the regulations passed on ride-hailing apps by City Council over the past few months, including fingerprint-based background checks, a trade dress requirement, and a prohibition against stopping in travel lanes to pick up or unload passengers.

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