The SOS Holiday Party Is On Friday!

The SOS Holiday Party Is On Friday!

Barton Springs Pool

Sponsored Post – from the Save Our Springs Alliance


Celebrate Barton Springs and 25 years of its protection this Friday, December 8th from 6pm to midnight the Save Our Springs Alliance Holiday Party.


The event will include food, live music, a photo booth, crafts for kids and a silent auction. It will be held at the American Legion Charles Johnson House and there is a $15 suggested donation at the door. More info>>


The Save Our Springs Alliance works to protect the Edwards Aquifer, its springs and contributing streams, and the natural and cultural heritage of the Hill Country region and its watersheds, with special emphasis on Barton Springs. It has been Austin’s water watchdog since 1992.


Interested in making an end of the year donation to the Save Our Springs Alliance? Donations will be matched 50 percent until December 30th. You can make a donation here>>


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