In case you missed it - Prop 1 was defeated on earlier this month by 12 points, with 56 percent of voters rejecting the position taken by Uber and Lyft. Voter turnout was 17 percent. As a reminder, the rejection of Prop 1 means that an ordinance passed...

Eight million dollars. That's how much Uber and Lyft have spent this year campaigning in Austin. The latest round of finance reports reveal that the two companies contributed $5 million in the last month alone to Ridesharing Works for Austin, the political action committee that...

It's time for an Uber/Lyft update. In case you didn't know, on May 7th there will be an election in Austin focused around Uber, Lyft and any other ride-hailing companies in town. With just a little over a week until early voting begins, the ad campaigns...

In case you missed it, the Uber/Lyft issue is officially headed to an election on May 7th. Despite some last minute maneuvering by Mayor Steve Adler to pass a compromise agreement that would make fingerprint-based background checks voluntary and avoid an election, in the end, this...

Here's an update on the ongoing Uber/Lyft debate in Austin - Last week, City Council passed an ordinance essentially in support of the Mayor's new Thumbs Up plan. Developed with help from a team of techies across Austin, Thumbs Up was designed to be a...

What is exactly is Ridesharing Works for Austin? They're a political action committee that was formed just after City Council passed a fingerprint-based background check ordinance for ride-hailing companies in December. Both Uber and Lyft have raised concerns about their ability to continue operating in Austin if the...