Hosted by Austin Resource Recovery and the Austin Public Library - Wiggle your way to the library, discover different types of composting and the role of decomposers. Specifically the role worms play in turning food into soil. Explore a Red Wiggler Worm compost bin and get to...

Hosted by Austin Creative Reuse - Kids Art Workshop with Austin Creative Reuse Create a unique and colorful masterpiece with our professional artist and teacher, Barbara Paris, in this 3-hour kids' workshop. Age range for this Workshop is 3-15.Through games and fun material exploration, we'll incorporate reuse...

Hosted by Austin Creative Reuse - Reuse and Reduce this Back To school season! Come Fill an HEB bag for $5.00 all office aisle Markers Crayons Colored Pencils Folders Comp books and notebooks erasers binders pencil sharpeners rulers white school glue (excluding sharpies and permanent/art markers) It will also be tax free day for the entire store :D About Austin Creative...

Sponsored Post - from Texas Disposal Systems   A big movement begins with just one person making a difference. With 7.5 billion people calling Earth home, creating a cleaner, more sustainable environment probably seems like a daunting task, but what happens if we start by working on ourselves...

Hosted by Austin Creative Reuse - Join us for a workshop that will give you a chance to familiarize yourself with paper as an art medium. Come see what it -- and you -- can do! "I love working with paper to create works of art. Beyond...

Hosted by the Austin Zero Waste Lifestyle Meetup - Represent the Zero Waste Lifestyle by passing out fabric bags (handmade by WasteNots) to patrons at the farmer's market to purchase produce without needing a plastic bag. We'll have a table and a tent with signage representing our...

Hosted by Austin Zero Waste Lifestyle Meetup - On Sunday, July 28th the Austin Zero Waste Lifestyle Meetup group will be passing out handmade fabric bags to shoppers at the Mueller Farmers Market. BUT we still have to make them! We'll try to get as many done as...

Stressed about all those news articles and videos that show how much trash Americans throw away? Concerned about the environmental impact of landfills?   Here's one easy way for you to make a real impact.   MoveOutATX is looking for volunteers to help college students divert items from the landfill as they...

Partner Post - Austin Creative Reuse      Calling all you crafters out there! It’s time for another Reuse and Rethink Challenge from Austin Creative Reuse.   Throughout the month of July, Austin’s favorite zero waste craft store is hosting a "Made In The Shade Challenge," asking folks to create a fun hat for the summer...