Join your neighbors to talk about the crime and safety issues facing our community, learn about crime prevention strategies, share your concerns with your councilmember or APD representative, and brainstorm community-based responses.   PURPOSE - To build trusting relationships among community members to find better solutions and...

SummaryOn November 2nd, there will be two local City of Austin propositions on the ballot. Prop A is about police budgets & staffing. Action BoxDon't forget to vote! Early voting begins October 18th and lasts through October 29th. Election Day is on November 2nd. Hey Austin...

Did you know that earlier this year, Austin became the first city in the country to add a mental health option to its 911 call center script? Did you also know that in 2018, a city audit found that amongst the 15 most populous US...

RSVP here for the zoom link ---> Democratic Socialist politicians like Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Austin's own Jose Garza are raising the expectations of millions of people across the United States and bringing them into a political awakening. The membership of DSA, the largest socialist...

We're coming into the home stretch! We are now at the point where there are amendments on the table before city council which would, if passed actually remove $100 MILLION dollars from APD to spend on essential services and alternative first response. Something that would...

Join us on Wednesday, August 5th for a discussion about the history of policing in America, and their role in repressing labor and social justice movements. Socialist Night School is an open course that provides a chance to develop our politics together, regardless of background knowledge...

SummaryCity Council is in the process of debating and revising the proposed budget for its 2020-2021 fiscal year. In this guide, we break down and explain the main point of discussion - the police department's budget. Action BoxHave opinion's about the city's budget? Email your...