Films for the Forest (F3) is an annual international short film challenge created by Rainforest Partnership in 2010. Since 2012, winning F3 films have screened as part of SXSW Community Screening every March in Austin, Texas. Our goal is to create awareness about the importance of...

Hosted by the Wildflower Unitarian Universalist Church Climate Action Team - DOORS AT 6:30 / MOVIE AT 7:00 FREE (Even the popcorn is free)! Coral reefs are the nursery for all life in the oceans, a remarkable ecosystem that sustains us. Yet with carbon emissions warming the seas,...

Hosted by Farmshare Austin, Two Hives Honey, and the Whole Kids Foundation - If you've ever wondered, "what's happening to the bees?", we invite you to join us for an evening at Gateway Theater for a screening of "The Pollinators" to learn about how large scale...

Hosted by the Wildflower Unitarian Universalist Church Climate Action Team and Extinction Rebellion - WildEarth Climate Action team hosts the 3rd film of our series: Leonard DiCaprio's eye-opening 2019 documentary which explores the potential extinction level event caused by arctic methane release, and the newly developed technologies...

Hosted by Patagonia - 'Rotpunkt' documents the advent, the agony and the art of the redpoint through Alex Megos’s efforts to redefine the boundaries of the form. The film will trace the redpoint—which transformed rock climbing from an engineering problem into a brilliant test of mental...

Hosted by the Wildflower Unitarian Universalist Church Climate Action Team - Filmed in 2017, Jamie Redford, Robert Redford's son.  "Filmmaker James Redford embarks on a colorful personal journey into the dawn of the clean energy era as it creates jobs, turns profits, and makes communities stronger...

Hosted by the Georgetown Green Film Series/ Southwestern University - The Georgetown Green Film Series was established to bring awareness to the environmental crisis through the visual arts by presenting films with an environmental focus for free to the Georgetown and neighboring communities. In addition to...

Hosted by the Wildflower Climate Change Action Team and Extinction Rebellion ATX - The Wildflower Climate Change Action Team and Extinction Rebellion ATX are hosting a screening of “Age of Consequences” at Wildflower Unitarian Universalist Church. Age of Consequences is an Emmy-nominated investigation of how climate change...

Hosted by the Austin Parks Foundation - Join us for #MoviesattheTrail - our season finale with Austin Trail of Lights! We're showing Home Alone at the community stage, and this year you can enter to win a VIP pack at any of our Movies in the Park...

Hosted by Southwestern University. the Georgetown Green Film Series - The Georgetown Green Film Series was established to bring awareness to the environmental crisis through the visual arts by presenting films with an environmental focus for free to the Georgetown and neighboring communities. In addition to...