The Slow Fashion Festival is a 3-day event that strives to cultivate connection, community, and awareness around the slow fashion movement. The festival will include a variety of activations to engage the community, including a fashion show, speaker panels on various relevant topics, a slow...

Hosted by Southwestern University. the Georgetown Green Film Series - The Georgetown Green Film Series was established to bring awareness to the environmental crisis through the visual arts by presenting films with an environmental focus for free to the Georgetown and neighboring communities. In addition to...

Hosted by the Austin Fiber Artists - Don't toss out your clothes just because there's a little something wrong. Bring them to the fix-it clinic and give them new life. Fix-It Clinics are all about do-it-together hands-on repair knowledge. Missing a button? We've replacements to help...

Now we've all heard of EcoTourism, you go to a foreign country and check out all of their sustainability and farming initiatives and leave no trace in the process....

The Texas Wild Rice Festival is a community project dedicated to educating the community about and preserving one of the longest inhabited areas in the United States, the San Marcos River....