The Texas Legislature impacts local budgets in lots of ways. In the past few years, the Legislature has passed several laws that limit how cities can spend their money & how much money they can raise in property taxes. And just last month, the Legislature...

The state Legislature impacts local budgets and property taxes in lots of ways. In recent years, they've passed several laws that influence how local governments can spend their money (and how much money they can raise in property taxes). And earlier this month, the Legislature...

Daniela Silva, of Equity Action, will be joining us to talk all about the Community Investment Budget campaign. This is an effort being led by 40 local organizations to encourage City Council to prioritize making investments in community health, affordability, sustainability, & equity in their...

Where do your property taxes go? How much does the City of Austin spend on parks, libraries, police, firefighters, and more? How can you influence the future of the city's budget? We'll be going over all the basics in the first session of our Civic...

SummaryCities have a big role to play in solving the climate crisis. Here in Austin, we have a Climate Equity Plan to guide emission reductions. Action BoxSign up for our climate-focused Civic Power up challenge (How To Save The World...