Our next local monthly CCL meeting is this Saturday, July 11.  Please come!  We have a full agenda to catch up on local actions and upcoming opportunities. Local meeting start time: 12:50 (to end by 2:00) Zoom link: https://citizensclimate.zoom.us/j/3085191371  (Or by phone: 1-929-205-6099; 308-519-1371) You may also wish to attend the...

Citizens' Climate Lobby and First UU Church of Austin invite you to a four-part course on climate change! Where: on Zoom When: each Sunday in June, 1:00 - 2:30. Title: Climate Hope: Science, Social Justice, and Solutions Course description: We know this about climate change: It’s real. It’s us. It’s serious. We know...

2020 is a challenging year. We’ve been grappling with some urgent and complicated challenges as a country. Later this year, we’ll have a presidential election. Meanwhile, urgent problems like climate change remain high in public awareness—but sometimes it feels like polarization is higher than ever, too....

We will host our monthly meeting online again this Saturday, and we hope you can join us! Again, it will be a two-parter: First, at 12:00 noon, join the national call via Zoom Then, at 12:45, switch over to the Austin Zoom line for our metro-wide gathering (note...

Please join Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Not all of us are able to focus on climate change right now. But for those who can, we’ll hear from climate leaders, learn about quick actions we can take to...

What a surreal and uncertain time it is. We hope you all are navigating this new reality ok. We want to hear how it's going, and support each other in continuing to work towards a better future. We will be having an online meeting this month. First,...

Hosted by the Citizens' Climate Lobby - Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a national organization focused on passing legislation called Carbon Fee and Dividend as a solution to climate change. All chapter meetings gather at 11:30AM, listen to the national call-in speaker, and plan upcoming actions for the month...

Hosted by the Citizens' Climate Lobby - It's summer, it's hot, come play with Citizens’ Climate Lobby at the splash pad and help solve climate change. We’ll be at Eastwoods Park on August 25 from 9:30 to 11:00. We’ll be there with information about our bill,...

Hosted by the Citizens' Climate Lobby - Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a national organization focused on passing legislation called Carbon Fee and Dividend as a solution to climate change. All chapter meetings gather at 11:30AM, listen to the national call-in speaker, and plan upcoming actions for the month...

Hosted by the Citizens' Climate Lobby - Citizens’ Climate Lobby is a national organization focused on passing legislation called Carbon Fee and Dividend as a solution to climate change. All chapter meetings gather at 11:30AM, listen to the national call-in speaker, and plan upcoming actions for the month...