About the Austin Transit PartnershipThis post is sponsored by our community partner, the Austin Transit Partnership, the independent government organization responsible for the financing, design, construction, and overall implementation of Project Connect. Action BoxParticipate in the Light Rail Virtual Open House before May 2nd. This post...

Couldn't make it to the Project Connect Open House at the Central Library? Here's a *virtual* opportunity to learn about updates to the light rail system from the Austin Transit Partnership (ATP), to see what’s next for Project Connect, and to share your feedback. AGENDA Welcome...

About the Austin Transit PartnershipThis post is sponsored by our community partner, the Austin Transit Partnership, the independent government organization responsible for the financing, design, construction, and overall implementation of Project Connect. Action BoxAttend the Light Rail Open House on March 21st from 4pm to 7pm...

Please join us for an open house on March 21 to kick off the next round of community engagement as we move forward with Austin’s light rail. Learn about updates on the light rail system from the Austin Transit Partnership (ATP), what’s next for Project...

Join us at one of the virtual town hall meetings. You will have the opportunity to share insights, concerns, and ask questions on how ATP might best guide Project Connect. Our consultant team is asking for the community’s help to develop the right questions ATP...