Sponsored Post - from the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore Have you ever been to the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore? It's an amazing place that resells donated building materials, furniture, appliances, and fixtures in working condition (both new and used) from remodeling jobs, business closeouts,...

From the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore - Intimidated by power tools? Come learn how to safely and effectively use them as you follow along with an expert! Led by Austin Habitat Construction Site Manager, Chris Sebilia, you'll learn how to use the following: - Miter Saw - Table...

From the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore - Join the Austin Habitat ReStore and Sustainable Food Center as we combine our resources to bring you a free community workshop on how to grow your own food garden without an actual garden! Using just pots, we'll talk to...

From the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore - It's the new year, which means it's New Year's Resolution time. If you made a promise to clear out the clutter, then the Habitat for Humanity ReStore is here to help. They're asking you to donate any old...

From the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore - 'Tis the season of giving back, and the ReStore would like to give you the opportunity for some holiday fun. On Dec. 3rd, we'll have FREE photos with Santa, a DIY wreath making workshop, and 15 percent off your...

From the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore - Join the Austin Habitat ReStore and Sustainable Food Center as we combine our resources to bring you a free community workshop on how to grow your own food garden without an actual garden! Using just pots, we'll talk to...

Sponsored Post from Austin Habitat for Humanity - We all know that Austin is becoming a less and less affordable place to live. One local organization that is working hard to change that is Habitat for Humanity. In 2014 alone, they built 30 homes and served...

Sponsored Post - with the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore There are lots of reasons to love the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Not only are they our newest AEN Partner, but they also work hard everyday to reduce waste in Austin, all while creating affordable home ownership opportunities in...

From the Austin Habitat for Humanity ReStore- The dog days of summer may almost be over, but for the ReStore they haven't yet kicked off! Grab Fido and join us for our first ever "Doggie Day." We're partnering with Austin Pets Alive! to host an adoption drive...