Join us in celebrating the very first Let Texas Vote Day in Austin on November 3, 2020! This brand new holiday was established by your Austin City Council to encourage civic engagement, to honor the fight for voting rights in Texas and the U.S., and...

Now, more than ever, it seems pretty important to know what the heck your government is up to. Big decisions are being made every day, right here in Austin, that will affect our lives and livelihood. But how do you attend a Council meeting or share...

From KUT, Austin Monitor, Glasshouse Policy, A Functional Democracy, and the Austin Tech Alliance - KUT, the Austin Monitor, Glasshouse Policy, Austin Tech Alliance and A Functional Democracy are hosting a series of forums for candidates running for Austin City Council this fall. Join us at...

It was a packed house at City Hall on Wednesday night as Austinites showed up in droves to discuss a very important issue - policing.   The focus was the Austin Police Association contract, which has been negotiated on over the past several months. On Wednesday, after...

We have a new budget folks. Austin City Council officially approved a $3.9 billion budget last week. It will go into effect on October 1st. So what does that mean for you? The average Austin homeowner (with a home valued at $305,000) will pay $151 more next year in taxes and fees to...

"Our current land development code is accelerating gentrification and segregation. Our current land development code is choking our ability to have a successful public transit system. Our current code is unacceptable...

City Council is back from their summer break and that means one thing - it's time for budget season! Here's how the budgeting process at the City of Austin works. First, staff at the city's Budget Office gather information from city departments and the public on...

Always wondered how the City of Austin actually works? Want an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at your local government? Then the CityWorks Academy might be just the thing for you. Now in its ninth year, the CityWorks Academy is a city-sponsored program that teaches Austin residents all about...