So You Want To Make A Difference In 2021? Here’s How.

So You Want To Make A Difference In 2021? Here’s How.

Boards and Commissions - 1
We Actually Explain The News


In the City of Austin, boards and commissions are groups (made up of volunteers) that advise City Council on a variety of key issues.

Action Items

Action Box

Now is a great time to apply to serve on a board or commission. If you're interested in serving, click on this box to fill out an application.

Searching for a way to make a positive impact in 2021? One great way to get involved here in Austin is by becoming a member of one of our city’s many boards and commissions. 


Not even really sure what boards and commissions are? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with our latest how-to guide! 


PS – Interested in applying to serve on a city board or commission? You can look through a list of all of them and fill out an online application form here. 


PPS – Special thanks to current City of Austin board/commission members Pooja Sethi & Rocky Lane, who were both interviewed for this story. 

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