Shudde Fath: Turning 100 and still fighting for residential rate payers!

Shudde Fath: Turning 100 and still fighting for residential rate payers!

Shudde Fath

Guest Post – from Al Braden

Austin Energy executives took time at the December 14 Electric Utility Commission (E.U.C.) meeting to honor Commissioner Shudde Fath for her upcoming 100th Birthday on January 11th. Fath was appointed to the Commission when it was formed in 1977 as a citizen advisory committee to Austin City Council. E.U.C. Vice-Chair Karen Hadden calculated that means she has attended 477 regular meetings – not counting special called sessions. Fath commented that she may have missed one – but no one could remember which. Even the E.U.C. meeting room at Austin Energy was long ago named in honor of her service.

Larry Weis and Shudde Fath

Photo by Al Braden

Outgoing General Manager Larry Weis presented an Austin Energy lineman’s hardhat with her name boldly printed, saying she might need it when meetings get contentious. He also expressed amazement at Fath’s “intellect and interest at how the utility affects its customers. To represent the ratepayers of Austin, you’ve set the standard for that with analytical ability that is just amazing.”

Cheryl Mele - Shudde Fath

Photo by Al Braden

AE COO Cheryl Mele – now leaving AE for a leadership role at ERCOT – praised Fath as a fellow Capricorn, “a bit stubborn and persistent.” She offered an AE jacket in purple in recognition of Fath’s position within the royalty of Austin Energy. VP Debbie Kimberly praised her as the “epitome of public service” and for her encyclopedic knowledge of the utility.

Cards and awards and birthday cake were shared all around. Talking about her lifelong fights for residential and small business ratepayers, Fath said with conviction that she’s still a bleeding heart Democrat. Her daughter Betsy praised her lifelong commitment, “With the rate case coming up, she would very much appreciate all your support on small business and residential. It means the world to her. If you have any questions about the rates coming up, ask my sweet Mom.”

Fath’s interest in electric rates goes way back to the 1950’s when her husband’s fishing and bait shop near Barton Springs installed air conditioning for their customers. She kept the books and noticed that they paid a lot more for electricity than large customers in the city.

A consumer rate activist was born!

When a 1973 electric rate increase tilted toward industry, she fought it at City Hall and was in line as a citizen volunteer as the E.U.C. was formed 38 years ago. Along the way, she’s fought for many Austin causes, most notably with 29 years of service as treasurer for Save Barton Creek Association and in winning a sex-discrimination lawsuit at the Texas Employment Commission, her career employer of more than 40 years.

In addition to the E.U.C., the Travis County Commissioners Court honored her with a proclamation November 17th and the Save Barton Springs Association honored her at their December meeting at Zilker Park. Austin’s EcoTrubador, Bill Oliver composed a song for her. Recorded with a cell phone, it captures much of her story and spirit. Here’s a link.

Bottom line for residents and small businesses electric customers:  Commissioner Fath has still got your back!

As this year’s electric rate case progresses, ask her what’s fair.

More information about Austin Energy’s 2016 Rate Review can be found here.


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