Save The Date For Civics 101!

Save The Date For Civics 101!

Civics 101

Affordability. Gentrification. Traffic. These are some of Austin’s most pressing problems… but how do we fix them?

That’s what we’ll be discussing at our July Civics 101 Happy Hour, designed to teach millennials in Austin how to engage with and participate in local government. RSVP today for “Civics 101: Affordability, Transportation, and CodeNEXT” on Tuesday, July 25th from 6pm to 8pm at in.gredients.

About CodeNEXT:
The City of Austin is in the process of rewriting its land development code, dubbed CodeNEXT. A land development code is basically a rule book for the city, explaining what can be built where.

CodeNEXT will determine how Austin looks 10, 15, and even 50 years from now. And it will affect everything from affordability, to transportation. In other words, it’s a really big deal.

Learn more about what CodeNEXT is and how you can get involved with our July Civics 101 Happy Hour. Free and open to the public!

About our Civics 101 Happy Hour series:
Now back for its second year, the Austin EcoNetwork hosts our popular Civics 101 Happy Hour series each summer. The goal is to teach Austinites more about how local government works and to inspire everyone to get more involved… And, we try to do it all in a way that’s both educational and entertaining. That’s right, we’re making civics fun. We hope you’ll join us!

(Plus, this year we’ll be partnering with KUT Austin, making our happy hours better than ever!)

A full list of our upcoming Civics 101 Happy Hours are below:

  • July 25th – Affordability, Transportation, and CodeNEXT
  • August 22nd – Local Government, the Basics – We’ll help you figure out who your City Council member is, what they do, and how to get in contact with them.
  • September 19th – City Government and You: How To Get Involved – This is where we turn everything you’ve learned into action, teaching you how to serve on a city board or commission, connect with other organizations, and speak at a City Council meeting.

All of the happy hours will be held at in.gredients from 6pm to 8pm.

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