The Roundup Explores Choices for Eco Friendly & Efficient Lifestyles – Interactive Learning Activities for All Ages

At the Roundup we’ll be packing the tents with outstanding speakers discussing terrific topics at the 12th Annual Renewable Energy Roundup & Green Living Fair September 29th & 30th in Fredericksburg.  For starters, the first talk of the day by David Rogers, VP Power Marketing,OCI Solar Power is titled Green Jobs in Texas: CPS Energy and OCI Solar Power Invest in Tomorrow’s Energy Future.  And the rest of the talks are equally vital topics as well.  Sunday look for Judith McGeary, Exeuctive Director, Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance who will talk about Food Policy: Texas laws that impact your access to local foods.

Nine power packed panels are the gathering point of local experts and industry leaders to share some of the most up-to-date information in Texas all in a rural setting.  They include:

Renewable Fuels: Update for 2012

Jess Hewitt is Chairman of Gulf Hydrocarbon, Inc., Jeremy Sanders, BoyarMiller, PC, Brian Weeks Regional Manager, Gas Technology Institute (GTI) 

Leveraging a Utility Generation Plan to Create Jobs in Your Community

Wesley Brinkmeyer, Bluebonnet Electric, Doris Cooksey, CPS Energy, Chris Perry, Michael Osborne, Austin Energy, Karl Rabago, Rabago Energy LLC.

Affordable Green Building and Remodeling

Miki Cook, Austin Energy Green Building, Marjory Gentsch, Hill Country Green Team LLC, Wayne Jeansonne Solluna Builders, Lloyd Lee, President and CEO of Native, Adam Stepan Sunergy Texas

The Future of Energy in Texas, What is likely in the next Legislative Session and Beyond­ 

Steven Polunsky, Director Senate Committee on Business and Commerce, Mark Bruce, Principal, Stratus Energy Group, LLC, Tom Smitty Smith, Director, Public Citizen, Greg Thurner, ERCOT

And five other panels include:

  • Garden Panel – The Dirt on Dirt, Soil Mending
  • Owners Perspective of Electric Vehicles
  • Getting to Know Your Hill Country Aquifers
  • The Future Of Transportation
  • Financing energy efficiency and solar

The unique experiences at The Roundup bring people back year after year. In a past Roundup, Mona Aclin from Donie, Texas said, “The Roundup is unique and so much fun.  We’ve been coming for four years.”

The fair is a favorite of both businesses and attendees making it the largest all-sustainable fair in Texas. David Bebeau, CEO, Sunrise Solar recently said, "I've been coming to the Roundup since it started in 1999 and I have had the same booth space for 12 years now.  It is one of the most enjoyable shows we do for both exhibitors and the participants." More event details including a complete speaker line up can be seen at or call 830-997-2350.

The Renewable Energy Roundup is co-organized by Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association (TREIA) and Texas Center for Policy Studies (TCPS). Event proceeds benefit TREIA and TCPS, two non-profits striving to increase understanding and awareness of renewable energy applications and to promote their wide use.  Sponsors for The Roundup include Austin Energy Green BuildingHEBCircular Energy and many others who can be seen along with event details at the website:, or call 830-997-2350 or email:

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