No Aquifer Toll Road; Yes Aquifer Salamanders

Just Say "No Thank You" to "Aquifer Toll Road" congestion and pollution


Your last chance (for now) to tell our local officials — Keep Mopac Local — Delete the "Aquifer Toll Road," proposed SH 45 SW, from our regional transportation plan


Please send an email to tell our regional transportation officials to delete SH 45 SW from our regional "CAMPO" transportation plan.


The public comment period ends on Thursday, September 27th at 5 p.m.  Please follow the link above to send your email before 5:00 p.m. Thursday urging our officials to delete SH 45 SW from our metro-region transportation plan.


Just Say "Yes" to Sound Salamander Science and Conservation


At this Thursday's Austin City Council meeting, the Council will vote on a resolution directing City environmental staff to provide scientific information relevant to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's proposal to list the Austin Blind and Jollyville Plateau salamanders as "endangered" species. The Austin Blind lives only at Barton Springs, while the Jollyville Plateau salamander is found only within and at spring runs flowing from the northern Edwards Aquifer in northwest Travis and southwest Williamson counties.


This common sense resolution supporting sound science and water and wildlife conservation is sponsored by Councilmembers Kathie Tovo, Laura Morrison, and Bill Spelman. (Thank you!!)  City technical staff have undertaken significant research on the status of these "canaries in the aquifer" and on their habitat requirements. Taxpayers have paid for this information and expertise, and it should be utilized by the Fish & Wildlife Service in making their final decision on listing (or not listing) these species.


Please send an email to,, and encouraging them to support the Tovo-Morrison-Spelman resolution to provide the Service with sound salamander science. (Mayor Leffingwell appears to be a lost cause on this one.)


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