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Traffic. It’s an Austinite’s favorite thing to complain about. That’s why we write transportation stories exploring the many solutions to Austin’s transportation woes – from bikes to buses.


Bike Month 2020
Community News + Partner Posts
Amy Stansbury

It’s Bike Month. Here’s How To Celebrate.

Summary Even though Bike Month is a bit different this year, there are still lots of ways to celebrate safely. Action Box Ride your bike! Exercise and fresh air are more important now than ever… so get there and go do! Who else is using

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Light Rail
1 News Item You Should Know, Explained
Amy Stansbury

It’s Time To Talk Transit Again

Summary Austin’s transportation plan, Project Connect, is moving forward with a series of public (virtual) meetings before a possible November election to approve and fund the plan. Action Box Learn more about the transit plan and give your feedback by attending one of Capital Metro’s

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Planning Our Communities Event
1 News Item You Should Know, Explained
Amy Stansbury

Creating An Equitable Future For Austin

“We are pro-people, not pro-development. We are anti-displacement, not anti-development.”   This is the slogan of Planning Our Communities (POC), a new organization focused on bringing more nuance into conversations around Austin’s land development code, as well as creating space for communities of color and

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MetroRapid Bus
1 News Item You Should Know, Explained
Amy Stansbury

Here’s How To Give Input On New Bus Lines In Austin

We’ve been talking a lot lately about the future of transportation in Austin. In particular, the possibility of a 2020 election that could allow Austin voters to decide whether or not we want a high capacity transit system. But it’s not all just about the

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EVs in School
Amy Stansbury

On A Mission To Bring Electric Vehicles To Everyone

With flashy (and expensive) Teslas on the road, electric vehicles can get a bit of a reputation for being the transportation choice of the wealthy. Austin Energy is trying to change that. With its new “EVs are for EVeryone” campaign, our city’s electric utility is

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Electric Bus
Amy Stansbury

Electric Buses Are Here… Almost

Capital Metro is about to buy some electric buses.  For the first time ever.   In April, Cap Metro’s board of directors approved a contract to buy up to 10 electric buses, with plans to put them on the  streets by the end of this

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