More Local Solar For Austin?

More Local Solar For Austin?

Rooftop Solar

What's Inside...

Rooftop solar power is a big piece of Austin’s fight against climate change. Not only do solar panels on homes and businesses help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but they also help to support the city’s local solar industry, and all of the jobs that it brings along with it.

That’s why Public Citizen Texas is leading an effort to increase the amount of local solar in Austin by asking City Council to increase its goals for the city. It already looks like Austin will meet its current local solar goal (of 110 megawatts by 2020) about two years early. To ensure that Austin Energy doesn’t lose momentum and drop some of its solar incentive programs, Public Citizen Texas is asking City Council to increase the local solar goal to 200 megawatts by 2020, with 140 megawatts coming from customer-sited solar installations. If this is a topic that interests you, there is a letter of support that you can sign, as well as more information, here>>

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