Hate Austin traffic? Now’s your chance to do something about it. Mayor Steve Adler has named 2016 the Year of Mobility, and City Council is serious about doing something to fix Austin’s transportation woes. But first, they want your input.

Last week, the City of Austin launched Mobility Talks, a public engagement initiative to identify the community’s mobility priorities and preferences and to help determine future transportation investments.

Mobility Talks

Here’s how you can get involved:

  • Take an online survey at MobilityTalks.org
  • Share your new ideas and opinions online at SpeakUpAustin.org
  • Participate in an April Conversation Corps session in your neighborhood (see upcoming dates below)
  • Attend a public hearing at one of the city’s many transportation board or commission meetings. A full list is available here>>

All of your feedback will be presented to the Austin City Council Mobility Committee on June 8th. The committee will use the information to guide future decision-making on which mobility projects to prioritize.

In City Council’s continued effort to get public feedback on mobility priorities, this month’s Conversation Corps meetings will focus around transportation. The Conversation Corps program is a way for Austinites to easily share their opinions on key issues with decision-makers throughout the city. Each month a different topic is chosen, and facilitated discussions are brought to neighborhoods across Austin. Anyone can participate, and the feedback is delivered to City Council.

Upcoming Conversation Corps in April include:

  • Monday, April 11th at 11am – Strange Brew on Manchaca Road
  • Tuesday, April 12th at 7pm – Cafe Java on Metric Boulevard
  • Sunday, April 17th at 1pm – University Presbyterian Church on San Antonio Street

A full list of upcoming Conversation Corps meetings is available here>>

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