Learn How Your City Works With This Behind-The-Scenes Course

Learn How Your City Works With This Behind-The-Scenes Course

CityWorks Academy
Are you a community activist hoping to be more successful right here in Austin? Or perhaps you’re thinking about running for public office someday? Or serving on a local board or commission?



If so, then the CityWorks Academy is the thing for you. Hosted each year by the City of Austin, this 14-week course is the ultimate behind-the-scenes look at our local government.


Our Editor-In-Chief Amy Stansbury participated in the program last year and had the opportunity to see the city’s 9-1-1 call center up close and personal, climb inside a police helicopter, and meet the city staff who are in charge of everything from municipal courts to affordable housing.



Amy Cityworks Graduation

AEN Editor-In-Chief Amy Stansbury at her CityWorks Academy Graduation with Austin Mayor Steve Adler and former Austin City Manager Elaine Hart

The course is completely free and is open to anyone who lives within Austin city limits. You can apply here. The deadline has been extended to July 31st. 



(Oh, and did we mention that every class comes with free dinner?)

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