Is there going to be a mobility bond on the ballot in November?

Is there going to be a mobility bond on the ballot in November?

Traffic Austin

There has been a lot of buzz around town lately about a possible transportation bond on the ballot in November 2016. So far, no concrete details or plans have been released, but Mayor Adler has said that he is hoping for an upcoming bond election that focuses on mobility. He has also said that he is looking for something regional in nature, particularly focusing on I-35.

Ideas that have previously been floated for fixing I-35 include adding managed toll lanes and sinking part of the highway that runs beside downtown Austin. So far no ideas have been ruled in or out, but if a transportation bond is to be included in the November election, the details must be finalized by August.

At this point, Mayor Adler is still trying to gauge public interest. If you have thoughts/opinions/ideas to share on a possible transportation bond election, you can share them with Mayor Adler by emailing him at

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