Homelessness In Austin: Who Gets Access To Housing Services?

Homelessness In Austin: Who Gets Access To Housing Services?

homelessness podcast - cover

This episode of the The Austin Common Radio Hour kicks off a mini-series on homelessness in Austin. In this first episode, we focus on some of the first steps a person experiencing homelessness might take on their path toward receiving services and eventually gaining access to housing…. visiting the Sunrise Hub (a homelessness services day center in south Austin) and taking a Coordinated Assessment (which is both a wait list and a prioritization tool for determining who gets access to subsidized or supportive housing services).


But what happens when that wait list is really long? To help answer that question, we spoke with Mark Hilbelink (executive director of the Sunrise Navigation Center) and Alesandra Dominguez (director of crisis response at ECHO).


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