Hill Country Under Threat

Hill Country Under Threat

Hill Country Under Threat

What's Inside...

The Hill Country is under threat. That’s the warning from a new study published by the University of Texas earlier this month. The study points out that as sprawl and population growth from Austin and San Antonio continue to push into the the Hill Country, its signature scenic landscapes and open spaces are in jeopardy. It also warned of the region’s diminishing water resources, noting that groundwater is being sucked up faster than it can be replaced by rainfall.

According to the study, the root of the problem is that the Hill Country does not have the institutions, regulations, and dedicated financial resources to protect itself from these threats. Only 3.6 percent of the region’s land is currently protected.

To fix these problems, the study’s authors are calling for the creation of a Hill Country Endowment to, “promote growth in the right regions and patterns, and to protect the region’s water and other natural resources.” As they envision it, the endowment would also serve as a regional planning body, coordinating the development of transit infrastructure and supporting economic growth in the Hill Country. You can read the entire study here>>

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