Austinites You Should Know

About the City of Austin Housing & Planning Dept.

This post is sponsored by our community partner, the City of Austin Housing & Planning Department, which partners with the community to shape a more equitable Austin and to prevent the displacement of people and services, using planning disciplines and affordable housing resources.

Action Items

Action Box

Apply for the Community Initiated Solutions funds or to serve on the Community Review Panel. Click the badge above for application information.

This post is sponsored by the City of Austin Housing & Planning Department. All Austin Common sponsors are screened by The Austin Common team to ensure they’re doing good for their employees, our community, and the planet.

Concerned about gentrification in Austin? Check out our latest guide to learn about a new city program to prevent displacement along public transit lines… and how you can get involved in ensuring the program is equitable & community-centered. 


PS – You can apply for Community Initiated Solutions Funding here and you can apply to serve on the Community Review Panel here

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