Help Bring the Solar Decathlon to Austin

We need your help to show the community wants the Solar Decathlon Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Showcase to come to Austin.  Each of you and all your friends and family can help bring the Solar Decathlon to the Texas state capital and green living city, Austin!!!  By showing interest you'll support the reason to bring the event to Austin!!!   You count and we need to hear from supporters as our totals must be in by December 5th at the latest!   Talk about efficiency … we need a blast of immediate, efficient help in this effort!

Here's what's needed: You can show your interest and support …

  • By adding your name or comment to this blog
  • By sharing this with friends on facebook, twitter and other social media
  • By just asking everyone you know to show their support on this blog and sharing it socially and then
  • By anything else you can think of that hasn’t already been mentioned!!!

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon challenges collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and attractive. The winner of the competition is the team that best blends affordability, consumer appeal, and design excellence with optimal energy production and maximum efficiency.

There are so many reasons Austin is the perfect host city for the Solar Decathlon!!!  To start with Austin is an educational center, home of one of the country’s largest university systems, the University of Texas while being in close proximity to many other universities and colleges.

Austin Energy Green Building Program coined the term green building and is the home of the first municipal green building program in the U.S. recently celebrating its 20-year anniversary.

Austin is also the nation’s first local government to run all its operations with 100 % renewable energy with new contracts for purchasing wind power.  Austin is a US solar city with growing interest in solar power projects at homes and at Austin Energy where a contract was signed to purchase all the power produced by the 30-megawatt solar project being built in Webberville for 25 years.

There are so many reasons Austin would be a perfect host city for the Solar Decathlon 2013 but each person who adds there name to this list makes for one more reason Austin is a great green home and host … you count and we need to hear from you as our totals need to be in by December 5th at the latest!   Talk about efficiency … we need a blast of immediate, efficient help in this effort!

If you lead an Austin organization you can show your support by copying either of the two following letters and returning it ASAP to Karl Rabago at Austin Energy.  Letters of support need to be in by November 28 … no dilly dallying for this initiative!!!

Option 1: Letter of Commitment

To:          Karl R. Rábago

Vice President, Distributed Energy Services

Austin Energy

721 Barton Springs Rd.

Austin, TX 78704

Subject:   Commitment to City of Austin Solar Decathlon Application

Mr. Rábago,

(participant) is pleased to support the City of Austin’s application to host the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Showcase in 2013. We believe the Solar Decathlon will be a great opportunity for the City of Austin to demonstrate its long standing commitment to sustainability and clean energy. We also believe that having the event in Austin will provide many benefits to the Department of Energy and the Solar Decathlon. The citizens of Austin have supported energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable building for several decades and will welcome the opportunity to host this event.

As participants with the City of Austin in its application we will provide assistance in planning for the Solar Decathlon, we will use our marketing channels to increase awareness of the event and we will ________________________(insert your specific commitment to the effort here).  These services and staff time are valued at (best guess in kind commitment to the project)


Participant (Organization Name and any individuals who you can get to sign on in the next three days.)


Option 2: Letter of Support

To:          Karl R. Rábago

Vice President, Distributed Energy Services

Austin Energy

721 Barton Springs Rd.

Austin, TX 78704

Subject:  Support for City of Austin Solar Decathlon Application

Mr. Rábago,

(participant) is pleased to support the City of Austin’s application to host the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Showcase in 2013. We believe the Solar Decathlon will be a great opportunity for the City of Austin to demonstrate its long standing commitment to sustainability and clean energy. We also believe that having the event in Austin will provide many benefits to the Department of Energy and the Solar Decathlon. The citizens of Austin have supported energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable building for several decades and will welcome the opportunity to host this event.

As supporters of the City of Austin application we will provide assistance in planning for the Solar Decathlon, we will use our marketing channels to increase awareness of the event and we will __(insert something specific to your organization here) __


Participant (Organization Name and any individuals who you can get to sign on in the next three days.)

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