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Sponsored Post – from the Austin Earth Day Festival

Written by Janis Bookout, Outreach Manager for the Austin Earth Day Festival

I dare you to find an environmentalist who is satisfied. In fact, you could say that we are constantly and intentionally creating our own dissatisfaction. To be honest, I frequently find myself wondering — what difference does Earth Day make? Is it just a party we environmentalists throw to feel good about ourselves and our efforts? How many people do we reach and how does it impact them? These are questions I ask myself every day as I come to work at the GreenRoom (home to the Austin Earth Day Festival offices) and prepare to receive calls from potential sponsors and exhibitors for the Austin Earth Day Festival.

But then I pick up the phone and I talk to one of the organizations reaching out to participate. Policy change, sea conservation, environmental education, efficient designs, innovative technologies, composting, textile recycling. People have built businesses and organizations around making a difference. And that has an impact. All of these sales or activities represent human behaviors changing — and that has impact not only our environmental footprint but also on our cultural mindset. That said, I am committed that this year’s Earth Day have the biggest impact we’ve ever had — reaching people in new ways that cause new actions.

 So no, we are not satisfied. Because it will never, ever be enough. And not because humanity is in peril (although many would argue that we are), but because we have given our lives to making the world a better place for our children and future generations. This divine dissatisfaction is what brings me the greatest joy and the greatest heartache — it is what keeps me alive in my own life. And it makes me deeply grateful for my partners in this work we do. And that is worth sharing — celebrating even.

Happy Earth Month everybody. Come to Austin Earth Day Festival on April 23rd from 12pm to 7pm. Bring friends. Learn something new. Leave taking new actions. See you at Mueller!

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