With a changing climate leading to more frequent extreme weather events, including flooding, heatwaves and severe winter weather, the planning and architecture profession is facing a sense of urgency around designing buildings and communities that are better prepared to meet rapidly changing conditions. In this...
Trail users will help steward the land surrounding the Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail at Lady Bird Lake. By stewarding the land, volunteers will help improve and protect the natural areas around Lady Bird Lake, which is an essential refuge for wildlife within the City, and connect...
Did you know that most birds migrate at night? They often use the moon, stars, and sun to navigate. Light pollution can interfere with these signals and cause a serious problem for birds: they might be thrown off course or become so disoriented that they...
How do artists and scientists think about systems, interconnectedness, and networks in similar and different ways? How can artists and scientists collaborate to increase the visibility of ecological systems? The panelists in Making in Systems visualize, translate, and study systems and networks through living sculpture, recycled materials,...
Following a scoping phase & public comment period last fall, Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) has finalized its Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) in support of the Airport Expansion and Development Program (AEDP), which guides construction and development at the airport over the next five to seven years....
Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) is a water supply strategy to store available water in a natural aquifer during wet times for later recovery and use. Austin Water is currently studying aquifers in our region to determine the most favorable areas for an Aquifer Storage...
Join a new gathering of the Austin Citizens' Climate Lobby to meet other like-minded people who care deeply about climate change, and also experience the feelings that come with it. Our initial meeting will be this Thursday, March 24 at 7:00 pm. We plan to...
ATX, join us on March 25th at 5pm as we march from the UT tower to the State Capitol in solidarity with the Fridays For Future Global Climate Strike. Contact saveourfuture.sfcc@gmail.com to learn how to co-host the event with us, or visit fridaysforfuture.org for more information.
Following a scoping phase & public comment period last fall, Austin-Bergstrom International Airport (AUS) has finalized its Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) in support of the Airport Expansion and Development Program (AEDP), which guides construction and development at the airport over the next five to seven years....
ACR's Crafty Hour takes place on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of each moth. It's a time to come hangout in our workshop and create with others! We'll have tons of materials available for you to play with, with a heavy focus on the Reuse...
Join Shoal Creek Conservancy and Travis Audubon Society as we enjoy a Winter birding walk at Beverly Sheffield Northwest District Park. We will be looking for winter visitors such as White-throated, Song, and Lincoln’s Sparrows; Cedar Waxwings and American Goldfinches; Orange-crowned and Yellow-rumped Warblers; and...