During the opening pitch event, you will hear from businesses and institutions consistently generating or collecting by-product, surplus or otherwise underutilized materials streams in Austin, Texas that could be put to higher and better use in new social enterprises. Join us for a virtual presentation...
On Saturday, March 5, AJC invites you to the first DOPE Quarterly Assembly of 2022. During this assembly, you will have an opportunity to learn more about the DOPE program, meet our new DOPE leads, and help us build and shape what the DOPE program...
Join us at Austin Creative Reuse Market Days featuring some of the most creative reusers in Austin! With over 50 vendors showcasing the best reuse pieces including jewelry, home goods, upcycled clothing, and more, you’re sure to find something to treasure.
About: Join us for a virtual workshop to learn about the Common Waters project and meet the creatives selected to design the installation. The Workshop will offer an immersion into three themes that are important to public art along the Butler Trail: Cultural Preservation, Climate...