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We're switching up the format this month to stay connected while staying safe. After checking in with each other, we'll brainstorm how to keep the climate conversation going online and over the phone. This is a great opportunity to meet some of you who cannot...
The COVID-19 pandemic means that a lot of us are stuck at home (and cooking a lot more than we usually do). It also means that it's now more important than ever to learn about our local food system and how we can work together...
With cases of the coronavirus increasing daily, and confirmed cases within youth detention facilities, medical experts warned of imminent danger of a viral outbreak. To address this issue, MEASURE, Texas Appleseed, Lone Star Justice Alliance, and Texas Criminal Justice Coalition are together convening a webinar...
Join TreeFolks' Education Coordinator, Collin McMichael, for a live virtual Tree ID walk! Collin will be going live on TreeFolks' Facebook page to show you the basics of Tree ID from his very own neighborhood filled with diverse tree species, and you don't even have...
The Austin Sierra Club Climate Change Committee will meet via Zoom at our regularly scheduled time, 6:30 PM, on April 6. Everyone is welcome, not just those on the Committee. You must join from your computer or smartphone. The Zoom access is via this link: or click...
Join us for a Green Kids webinar, a 30-minute activity for you and the kids to learn about environmental issues, ask questions, and do fun activities all from your living room. Wildlife of Texas (Tuesday 4/7 at 4:30 p.m.). We will learn to spot invasive, endangered,...
Join Austin Justice Coalition for a virtual community town-hall conversation with elected officials and city leaders about the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it is affecting different systems within Travis County and surrounding areas. Special Featured Guests: - Lola Gomez, a local photojournalist...
Join us for a special REMOTE COMMUNITY ACTION NIGHT to work on an open source project about open gov, open data, and civic technology in Austin.
REMOTE MEETING DETAILS: First, fill out the Zoom registration form at Next, set up Zoom (